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出土文物的艺术品鉴——评吴诗池著《中国原始艺术》王日根吴诗池先生的《中国原始艺术》最近由紫禁城出版社出版问世了,这部洋洋35万言的大著是作者三十余年潜心研究和深入思考的结晶。原始艺术是文化中最具民族性的部分,通过原始艺术探讨民族文化当最便于得其要归。... Art Notes on Unearthed Cultural Relics - On Wu Zhixi’s “Original Chinese Art” Wang Rigen Mr. Wu Shiqi’s “Chinese Primitive Art” was recently published by the Forbidden City Publishing House. This ocean of more than 350,000 words is devoted to the author for more than thirty years The crystallization of research and in-depth thinking. Primitive art is the most ethnographic part of culture. When it comes to exploring the national culture through primitive art, it is the most convenient place to go. ...
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The stability and activity of alkaline carbonate catalysts in supercritical water coal gasification has been investigated using density functional theory method
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