
来源 :西南国防医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hongshu16
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病例男,27岁,某部战士,于2011年6月10日21:50左右在营区内被蛇咬伤右足跟部外侧。患者立即自行结扎伤肢,发现右足跟部有两处咬痕,遂于伤肢近端向远端挤压,自咬痕处挤出少量血液。战友发现后将蛇踩死,并立即送其到卫生队就诊(携带毒蛇前来,经查阅资料,确认为白头蝰)。检查:体温36.8℃,脉搏85次/min,呼吸22次/min,血压120/80 mmHg。患者意识清楚,自动体位,呼吸平稳,无眼睑下垂,视物清楚,无复视。心、肺、腹部体检未见明显阳性体征。专科检查:右小腿用布带结扎,右足跟部红肿明显,红肿中心区可见牙痕2个,伤口无明显出血,右足及右下肢 Case male, 27 years old, a warrior, at about 21:50 on June 10, 2011 in the camp area by the snake bite right heel outside. The patient immediately ligation of the injured limb and found two bite marks on the right heel, then squeeze the distal extremity of the injured limb squeezed a small amount of blood from the bite mark. Comrades discovered the snake died, and immediately sent to the health team for treatment (carrying poisonous snake come, after checking the information, confirmed as whiteheads). Check: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse 85 beats / min, breathing 22 times / min, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg. Awareness of patients with automatic position, breathing steady, no ptosis, depending on the material clear, no diplopia. Heart, lung, abdominal examination showed no significant positive signs. Specialist examination: the right leg ligation with a tape, the right heel obvious swelling, visible heart marks in the central area of ​​inflamed 2, the wound no obvious bleeding, right foot and right lower limb