有一个可怕的杀手,它在2005 年7月2日杀死了扮演毛泽东的特 型演员古月,又在一个多月后的8月 18日杀死了东北小品演员高秀敏。 不仅如此,它在全世界每年杀死近 1000万人,在中国每年杀死60万人。 它手上命案累累。 它杀人不用刀,所有警察都束 手无策,眼见它行凶却只有无奈的 份儿。 它的身手异常敏捷,杀人于顷刻 之间,却不见一滴血。 它平时蛰伏起来,轻易不出手。 一旦有人惊扰了它的美梦,一个喷嚏 或一次感冒都可能让它勃然大怒,顿 生杀机。
There was a terrible killer that killed the special actor Gu Mao, who played Mao on July 2, 2005, and killed the northeast comedian Gao Xiu Min on August 18 more than a month later. Not only that, it kills nearly 10 million people each year in the world and 600,000 people in China each year. It is a murder case. It does not kill the knife, all police are helpless, seeing it only the helpless part of the attack. Its skill is very agile, killing in an instant, but not a drop of blood. It usually dormant, easily not shot. Once someone disturbed its sweet dreams, a sneeze or a cold may make it tantrums, sudden death.