机器人有很多种,大部分机器人只有一种运动模式,有的在空中飞行(如美军的无人机),有的在海里游动(如鲨鱼机器人或水母机器人),还有的在地面上爬行、奔跑或滚动。但既会飞又会走的机器人却不多见。遥控的Daler机器人可以在空中优雅地飞行,而它在着陆的时候同样有趣:它的翅膀部分就像笨拙的翼龙或蝙蝠一样在地面上爬行。拥有电池供电的“翼腿”展开时长度达到60厘米,其飞行时间大约为30分钟,或在地面上行走1个小时。Daler的全称是“Deployable AirLand Exploration Robot”(可展开式空陆两用勘探机器人),由
There are many kinds of robots, most of them have only one mode of movement, some are flying in the air (such as U.S. UAVs), some are swimming in the sea (such as shark robots or jellyfish robots), and some are crawling on the ground , Run or scroll. But robots that fly and go are rare. The remotely controlled Daler robot can fly elegantly in the air, and it is equally interesting when it lands: its wings crawl on the ground like a clumsy pterodactyl or bat. The battery-powered “wingtip” is up to 60 cm in length and takes about 30 minutes to fly or 1 hour on the ground. Daler’s full name is “Deployable AirLand Exploration Robot ” (expandable air and land exploration robot), from