患者男,52岁。入院前3个月,偶然发现左上腹有一鸡蛋大肿块,不痛,至入院时肿块略有增大。一年前开始经常发生便秘,有时感头晕心悸,食欲不振,无畏寒发热,体重稍减,小便无异常。检查:T36℃,P86次,Bp20/15kPa(150/110mmHg)。一般情况中等,皮肤巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结不大。心界不大,律齐,86次/分,未闻及杂音,双肺呼吸音清。腹软,无压痛,左上腹可扪及一8×5×5cm 大小的肿物,表面光滑,边界清楚,质韧均匀,无压痛。肿物活动度较大,能被推到左右锁骨中
Male patient, 52 years old. Three months before admission, he had accidentally found a big lump in his left upper abdomen, which was not painful, and he was slightly enlarged when he was admitted to hospital. Constipation often occurs a year ago, sometimes with dizziness, loss of appetite, chills, fever, weight loss, and no abnormal urination. Check: T36°C, P86, Bp20/15kPa (150/110mmHg). In general, the skin sclera is yellowish and the superficial lymph nodes are not large. The heart is not big, the law is regular, 86 times/minute, the noise is not heard, and the breath sounds are clear in both lungs. Abdominal soft, no tenderness, left upper abdomen can be palpable and a size of 8 × 5 × 5cm tumor, smooth surface, clear boundary, quality and tough uniform, no tenderness. The tumor is more active and can be pushed into the left and right clavicle