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  Waste No Time to Pursue Our Dreams——my Teaching Experiences at Confucius Classroom at Rome ConvittoNazionala Vittorio Emanuele Ⅱ of italy
  时至今日,我常常鼓励新老师,不断思考我们工作的本质。每个人对工作的认知,决定了他工作的广度与深度。如果我们只把自己定位为一名汉语老师,你会尽心教授语言知识,如果你认为自己是文化使者,传播文化会成为你的首要责任。而我认为,作为跨文化教育工作者,我们的工作应该不仅仅停留在汉语与文化的层面,更重要的是如何将汉语教学转变成为汉语教育,将语言教学与全人教育理念相结合,培养面对未来全球化挑战的世界公民。   我帶着孩子们连续三年获得意大利“汉语桥”中学生中文比赛总冠军,并代表意大利赴华参加全球总决赛。别人只看到荣誉和台上的高光瞬间,但让我最欣慰的从来都不是成绩和荣誉,而是通过这个过程,见证孩子们不断突破自己,持续获得成长。很多人也来问我获胜的诀窍,其实没有任何秘密,我对孩子们的要求非常简单:忘记竞争,享受过程,超越自己就是胜利。合作、信任、友谊、视野,跟来自全球的同龄人对话,走出自己的舒适圈,挑战自我,放眼世界,这是学习汉语带给他们的宝贵的可持续发展价值,我坚信,这些价值在课堂之外,在比赛之外,会陪伴他们走得更远。
  为了让学生有亲身感受中国的机会,罗马大学孔子学院与北京外国语大学合作,连续九年在北京为他们举办为期三周的夏令营。带着孩子们回到我熟悉、热爱的母校,让他们近距离接触北外这个中国“外交官的摇篮”,100多个语种,多元文化交汇,在这里,孩子们有机会和中国同龄人交流,他们看到许许多多像他们一样怀抱梦想的年轻人,在为实现跨文化交流与沟通,奉献青春。他们看到了中国年轻人,走向世界,拥抱世界的强烈愿望。 不同文化之间的对话可以形成,是因为心灵可以真正相通,“教育就是一个灵魂去唤醒另一个灵魂”,我相信我和学生之间就是彼此唤醒的这样的一个过程,共同成长,互相成就,成为更好的自己。
  On March 18, 2019, the ancientcity Rome was bathed in sun-shine. During the class break, Ichecked my WeChat and founda deluge of unread messages in WeChat Mo-ments. One of them was a news item relatedto my students at Rome Convitto Nazion-ale Vittorio Emanuele II where I have beenteaching Chinese.
  Upon Chinese President Xi Jinping'supcoming state visit to Italy, Paolo M. Reale,President of Rome Convitto Nazionale Vit-torio Emanuele Ⅱ and eight students wroteto President Xi Jinping, expressing their eageranticipation of President Xi Jinping's visit andthe good will to make efforts to promote Chi-na-ltaly friendly relations. In a warm reply tothe Italian teachers and students, President XiJinping encouraged them to become modern-day Marco Polos, serving as cultural ambas-sadors between China and Italy. President XiJinping said in his letter that youth alwaysgoes hand in hand with dreams. As studentsare going to graduate from high school andembark on college life, he hopes students cangive full play to their youth and realize theirdreams. He also welcomes students to studyand work in China and hopes that China willbe the place where their dreams can cometrue.
  The children were both excited and sur-prised when receiving the letter. In his re-sponse, the president of the school said thatthe students have always been hard-workingand diligent, and this letter is the greatestreward for them. Also, seeing the children'ssmiles and growth is the reward I have re-ceived every day during the seven years Ispent there.
  I graduated as an Italian language ma-jor from Beijing Foreign Studies University(BFSU). I remember when I was in middleschool, I had to study world history, whichcontains a lot of wars and thus made me feeluncomfortable. One day I opened a chapterin the book and was surprised to discoverthe brilliant art, literature, thought and soon. It was fascinating and intriguing. Thechapter was entided "The Renaissance ,and it was the first time that I had beenintroduced to Italy and its culture. Un-til now, when asked why I had chosen tostudy Italian, I will talk about that lesson,recalling the illustrations in the textbookand my desire to learn about the unknownculture and the pluralistic world. That'swhy I decided to major in Italian languageand literature in BFSU.   Italian is not only a beautiful and mu-sical language, but also a language withprofound cultural elements. From Danteto Calvino, Italians literature has left animportant chapter in Western culture. Ideasof Italian thinkers, ranging from Aureliusto Eco, coincided with those of ancientChinese philosophers. The colorfulness ofItalian culture, which lies in music, archi-tecture, designing and cuisine, has alsoenriched my college life. During the fouryears of study in BFSU, I have had a thor-ough knowledge of Italian history, cultureand customs though I had never been toItaly. So when I first set foot in the country,I didn't feel it alien to me, but felt that Ihad returned to my hometown. The taxidrivers in Rome were as talkative as thosein Beijing. Also, the shadow of trees in thesmall square on a street corner often re-minded me of the winter sunshine pouringdown on the Lama Temple in Beijing. Ac-tually, similarities abound between Chineseand Italian culture, including aspects vary-ing from cultural heritage to the concept offamily life. When I studied in Italy, I hada deeper understanding of those similari-ties. The Italian people's hospitality, respectfor culture, love of art and tender care fornature are deeply in line with Chinesecultural traditions. The two ancient civiliza-tions, with their long histories and splendidcultures, are like two rivers running paral-lel but destined to meet. Each time theycommunicate with each other, there willbe fresh inspirations which nourish myspiritual world.
  After graduation, I had the oppor-tunity to teach Chinese language at theConfucius Institute at the University ofRomeLa Sapienza. I was responsible forteaching Chinese, organizing culturalactivities and administering internationalexchange programs at the ConfuciusClassroom at Rome Convitto Nazion-ale Vittorio Emanuele II. The scene ofmy very first day in this school is stillfresh in mind. I walked across the PonteRisorgimento, walked past the beautifulTiber River and then to the school onthe opposite bank of the river. From thatday on, I, once a dream chaser, became aguardian of the children's dreams instead.
  The Chinese language internationalscientific high school, opened by RomeConvitto Nazionale Vittorio EmanueleII, included the Chinese as a compul-sory course and a subject in graduationexam. As the first foreign language in theschool, Chinese, the teaching of which evenoutweighs that of Italian and English, hasbecome one of the core courses. Under theguidance of the Confucius Institute at theUniversity of RomeLa Sapienza, the Italianteachers and Chinese teachers in the schoolhave made coordinated and unremitting ef-forts to conduct trials, making the Chinesecourse a model of Chinese language teach-ing for other Italian middle schools.   "My children" is a group of youngpeople in their prime. Their eyes are alwaysbright, overflowing with curiosity about theunfamiliar culture, the desire for knowl-edge and the expectation of the future.Just like my teachers in BFSU, who hadtried to arouse our enthusiasm for Italian,I spare no effort to make "my children" fallin love with Chinese language and China.From learning Italian at home to teachingChinese in Italy, the experience is not onlyabout language exchange, but also the cul-tural exchange between the two ancient civ-ilizations. Learning a new language is also aprocess of deconstruction and reconstruc-tion. It means that you have to abandonyour deep-rooted perceptions and stere-otypes, find a new perspective to observethe world and reconstruct ways to expressyourself. From language learning to cross-cultural dialogue, each step forward on thepath of international education of Chineselanguage not only symbolized my personalgrowth, but also provided a way for me andmy students to explore the world.
  During the most important five yearsin their young days, they learned Chineseand witnessed China's development. Whiletrying to know more about China, theyalso found more out about themselves.Over the past seven years, I have witnessedhow Chinese language and Chinese culturecame to become their companions in theirpursuit of dreams. I remember how excitedthey were when they set foot on the GreatWall for the first time, how delighted theywere when they saw the Oriental PearlTower and how awkward and funny whenthey used chopsticks for the first time toeat roast duck. I was also surprised to findthat they had such acute sense of tastes asto distinguish between different flavors oftea. Those children, born after year 2000,managed to in a blink of eyes use mobilepayment to order takeaway and to experi-ence bicycle-sharing service. They couldalso quiet down and appreciate the sceneryof water flowing beneath a little bridge inWuzhen as well as the sunset over the WestLake.
  When interviewing my students, manypeople now will ask about their relationshipwith China. Sometimes, my students findit hard to describe. I know thar's becausethey have become assimilated into Chinaand the country has become an inseparablepart in their lives. Perhaps they haven't gota clue what their dreams are, but anyway,they must be concerned with China-Italyfriendly exchanges. Unlike previous Chi-nese language learners, this generation ofyoung people has more diversified profes-sional backgrounds and career developmentchoices. I often encourage my studentsro think about their future study, careerchoice, and how they're going to give fullplay to their advantages so as to buildbridges in their own fields for future indus-try cooperation between the two countries.I hope that each of them can discover theirpotential and value, look into the bright fu-ture, be their own masters and realize theirdreams and the infinite possibilities of thefuture. I will encourage medical students tostudy Traditional Chinese Medicine theoryand acupuncture, and western medicine aswell. Also, I will encourage students major-ing in economics to collect cases of China'sinnovative economic model and considerhow to find new opportunities for coopera-tion in their future careers. Up to this day, I often encourage newteachers to keep reflecting on the nature ofour work. Our perception of our job de-termines how we're going to engage in it.If we regard ourselves as merely languageteachers, we'll devote ourselves to teach-ing language. But if we regard ourselves ascultural ambassadors, promoting culturewill become our top priority. In my opin-ion, as cross-cultural educators, we shouldnot confine ourselves to merely teachinglanguage and promoting culture. Moreimportantly, we should transform Chineselanguage teaching into Chinese languageeducation and integrate language teachingwith the philosophy of holisyic educayion soas to train world citizens who can brave thechallenges of globalization in the future.   Under my guidance, my students havewon three times in the "Chinese Bridge"Chinese Proficiency Competition for Sec-ondary School Students in Italy, and beenappointed to participate in the final com-petition in China. Others only focus onthe glory and honor. But for me, the mostgratifying thing is that during the process,the students have made constant progressand achieved continuous personal develop-ment. Many people came to ask me aboutthe secret of success. And I told them therewas no secret. My message for my studentsis very simple: forget about the com-petition, enjoy the process and surpassyourselves. Cooperation, trust, friend-ship, vision, communicating with peersfrom all over the world, stepping out ofthe comfort zone, surpassing themselvesand seeing the vastness of the world-all those invaluable harvests they havereaped from learning Chinese languagewill facilitate their sustainable develop-ment. I believe that those harvests willhelp them make greater achievementsoutside the classroom and the competi-tion.
  To enable students to have a closerlook at China, the Confucius Instituteat the University of RomeLa Sapienzahas cooperated with BFSU to organize athree-week summer camp in Beijing fornine consecutive years. I took my stu-denrs to my familiar and beloved AlmaMater, the cradle of Chinese diplomats,which boasts diversified cultures andmore than 100 languages. There, thesrudenrs had the opportunity to commu-nicate with their Chinese peers.They alsomet many aspiring young people whodedicated themselves to cross-culturalcommunication. And they felt the strongdesire among the Chinese youth to em-brace the world.
  Dialogues between different culturesare possible because people from variouscultures have a close affnity with eachother. It is said that the nature of educa-tion is one soul awakening another soul.I believe the relationship between mystudents and me is as such. We inspireeach other, make progress together and inthe process become better selves.
Abstract: Controversies exist over various interpretations of Zhu Xi’s theory that li exists before qi, owing to Zhu Xi’s theory itself as well as its development by later scholars. This issue has fou
《环球时报》副总编辑 《环球时报》中英文版报纸和环球网一直秉承“报道多元世界,解读复杂中国”的宗旨,在讲好中国故事、塑造中国形象这个话题上,与孔子学院有着共同调性。正因如此,自孔子学院创立以来,《环球时报》就一直关注孔子学院的发展。可以说,《环球时报》和孔子学院在一同成长,并用文字记录和见证了孔子学院在世界范围内影响力的一步步增强。  去年,我们的记者参与了孔子学院开放日的报道,当时介绍,全球14
阿里巴巴集团副总裁  非常高兴今天参加开放日活动!我重点围绕孔子学院发展两个关键词一个“数字科技”,一个“文化教育”来跟大家分享一下我们阿里巴巴这个孔子学院非常重要的数字技术合作伙伴。第一点想说阿里巴巴从1999年创业到现在差不多19年。过去19年主要围绕我们最早的口号让天下没有难做的生意,很大程度想通过互联网和数据技术推动年轻人创业和中小企业发展。  过去19年,我们累计了通过互联网,通过平台技
2018年10月10-15日,孔子学院总部在法兰克福书展“艺术+”(Arts+)展区推出“城与乡——中国建筑文化遗产的生命力”专题文化展览,展示中国乡村和城市的变迁和发展,表达中国人对待自身文化遗产的认知和反思,用建筑讲述中国文化遗产生命力的故事。  此展由孔子学院总部与松阳县政府、北京DnA建筑设计事务所、华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院、德国伊达斯建筑论坛(AedesArchitecture F
93岁的陈松德,眼看着自己原来破损的老屋一天天变样。完工验收这天,他紧握着验收人员的手:“自己没有能力来保护200多年的古建筑,现在修好了,住得也舒服了,做梦都高兴。”这天的老屋验收标志着松阳县“拯救老屋行动”一期项目142幢老屋实现完工验收。  松阳县位于中国浙江省丽水市。从空中俯瞰松阳,顺水而起的百余个传统村落嵌在山间,宋代状元沈晦为这里留下了“唯此桃花源,四塞无他虞”的诗句。江西、福建、安徽
Focus on the Belt andRoad Initiative  Confucius Institutes as -Personal-and-Cultural Exchanges Bridge for LearningChinese and Realizing Dreams  有这样一群人,他们来自不同国度,有着不同肤色,讲着不同语言,但他们选择学习汉语,作为沟通彼此的语言。通过孔子学院
Abstract: Wang Yangming once said, “That which accords with original substance is effort, and only when one makes effort can one realize original substance.” However, this remark contains a substance–
孔院及作者简介:  新布伦瑞克省孔子学院是由新省教育部与孔子学院总部于2007年签署合作协议,由大西洋教育国际集团(AEl)与中国山东省教育厅合作运行,曲阜师范大学为孔院派出师资。目前已在新省40多所学校开设中文课程,高中汉语纳入学分课程,孔院学员数每年超过5000人。2016年,新省孔院凭借其优秀的教学水平、高质量的教学效果,荣获“先进孔子学院”称号。20侣年6月,滕菁女士作为外方院长获得加拿大
建筑师的业是什么?直接地说是建筑物之创造,为社会解决衣食住行三者中住的问题,间接地说,是文化的纪录者,是历史之反照镜。所以你们的问题十分地繁难,你们的责任十分地重大。  最好的建筑是这样的,我们深处在其中,却不知道自然在那里终了,艺术在那里开始。  中国建筑师的當务之急,就是探索一种建筑形式,它既是我们有限的物理之所能及的,同时又是尊重自己文化的。
郝云天,10岁,学生  我数学好,英语成绩一般。但是英语的语言特点很适合学数学哕,所以我得学好英语,因为我要用英语学数学。我到文殊院的英语角来,是来锻炼英文的,我自己学,每个星期三次跟外国人练英文。我有个很好的外国朋友叫Alex,我常常跟他聊天。  郭慧子,11岁,学生  我非常喜欢成都,这是个古老的城市,有很多景点,像文殊院是很早以前建的,很美,还有杜甫草堂,我知道很多诗人来过成都。喜欢成都还因