四川大学华西医院周总光教授率治疗组于去年8月底应用微创新术式率先在国 内外对超低位直肠癌予以直肠、直肠系膜全切除、结肠—肛管吻合术治疗,截至目前,受术的5位病人均获成功治疗,保肛率100%。 手术治疗直肠癌,须对癌变部位远端两厘米部位切除,所以,癌变部位低至肛门7厘米以下的直肠癌患者都无法保肛,只能在腹部造假肛。目前在美、英、新加坡、香港等腹腔镜外科技术领先的国家和地区,微创直肠癌保肛手术的开展也仅局限于直肠上段的肿瘤(肿瘤距肛门7~8厘米以上),而国内外低位直肠癌
Professor Zhou Guangguang from West China Hospital of Sichuan University led the treatment group to use micro-innovation at the end of August last year to take the lead in rectal and mesorectal total resection and colon-anal anastomosis for ultra-low rectal cancer at home and abroad. As of now, All 5 patients received successful treatment and the rate of sphincter preservation was 100%. Surgical treatment of rectal cancer requires removal of the distal part of the cancerous site at a distance of two centimeters. Therefore, patients with rectal cancer whose cancerous site is as low as 7 cm below the anus cannot preserve the anus and can only make false anus in the abdomen. Currently in the United States, Britain, Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries and regions with leading laparoscopic surgical techniques, the development of minimally invasive rectal cancer surgery is limited to the upper rectum tumor (tumor from the anus more than 7 to 8 cm), and domestic Low rectal cancer