周长赋的剧作,或厚重凝炼,或清丽典雅。人物性格错综复杂,蕴藉着丰富的哲理思辨和多取向的人生价值判断,可以从各个不同的角度进行解读。今取“生死大义”为切入点,也作为破译阐发的核心,姑且别解之。 一、生死抉择 《秋风辞》以汉武帝晚年的“巫蛊事件”为纲,将众多人物置于生死抉择之中。在生死抉择中,人物的命运得以展示,人性的内在隐秘而又矛盾重重的窘境得以外化,在惊心动魄的生死搏杀中,我们
Zhou Fu drama, or heavy condensate, or elegant and elegant. Character complex character, with rich philosophical speculation and multi-oriented life value judgments, can be interpreted from all different angles. Take the “life and death righteousness” as the starting point, but also as a deciphering the core of interpretation, let alone do not solution. First, life and death choice “autumn rhetoric” Han Wudi in his later years, “Witchcraft event” as the key, many people will be placed in life and death choices. In the life and death choices, the fate of the characters can be displayed, the internal hidden and contradictory human nature of the predicament can be externalized, in the soul-stirring struggle, we