早在1908年sluder就对本病进行了描述,此后不断有临床病例报导和发病原理研究,但其命名相当混乱,“蝶颚神经节神经痛”、“类偏头痛样神经疾”、“Horton氏综合征”,“组织胺性头痛”等名称都相继使用过。1954年Kunkle命名为“丛集性头痛”。一、丛集性头痛在疾病分类学上的地位, 头痛是一种常见而复杂的临床症状,把器质性病变的头痛和非器质性病变的头痛区分开来,已不容易;再从非器质性病变头痛中分出血管性头痛和紧张性头痛就更为因难,因为丛集性头痛和偏头痛同属血管性头痛,而前者发病率仅为后者的1/8,故长期来把丛集性头痛看作归属于偏头痛的一个亚型。实际上,丛集性头痛和偏头痛是完全不同的临床实体。
The disease was described as early as 1908 and has been followed by ongoing clinical case reports and pathogenesis studies, but its name is quite confusing, including “Cholinergic ganglion neuralgia”, “Migraine-like neuropathy”, “Horton Syndrome ”,“ histamine headache ”and other names have been used. 1954 Kunkle named “cluster headache.” First, the cluster headache in the taxonomic status, headache is a common and complex clinical symptoms, organic headaches and non-organic headache lesions are not easy to distinguish; and then from non- Organic headache in the separation of vascular headache and tension headache is even more difficult due to cluster headache and migraine are both vascular headache, while the incidence of the former is only 1/8 of the latter, so the long term Cluster headache is considered as a subtype of migraine. In fact, cluster headache and migraine are completely different clinical entities.