编者按卒中一直是急诊最为常见的急症之一。长期以来,我国各级医疗机构对卒中急性期管理存在理念滞后、医疗资源整合不力等问题。近年由于国内外重组组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(recombinant tissue plasminogen activator,rt-PA)静脉溶栓指南对院内处理流程提出了时间要求,临床医师常处于既要提高诊疗速度又要降低风险的两难境地。目前我国卒中研究正处于高速发展的阶段,因此,建立具有“中国特色”的溶栓管理模式将极具意义。国外由于较早开展rt-PA静脉溶栓治疗,其流程设计
Editor’s note stroke has been one of the most common emergencies in emergency care. For a long time, China’s medical institutions at all levels have some problems with the concept of acute stroke management and the ineffective integration of medical resources. In recent years, due to the domestic and foreign guidelines for recombinant thromboplastin plasminogen activator (rt-PA) intravenous thrombolysis on the hospital treatment process put forward time requirements, clinicians are often in the need to improve the speed of diagnosis but also reduce the risk of Dilemma. At present, China’s stroke research is at a stage of rapid development. Therefore, it will be of great significance to establish a thrombolytic management model with “Chinese characteristics.” Abroad due to the earlier rt-PA intravenous thrombolytic therapy, the process design