肝性脑病(HE)综合征HE 是指肝功能晚期衰竭伴有意识改变的疾患。意识改变有性格变化、智力损害、意识水平下降以致昏迷。这些改变往往先由家人发现而医生尚未察觉。急性暴发型肝功能衰竭时HE 发病急骤,常先有谵妄及搐搦,随着出现去大脑僵直和脑水肿。但慢性肝病伴自发或术后门-体分流时,HE 的发病常缓慢,神经体征也轻。HE 的常见症状是意识状态改变,伴过
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) syndrome HE refers to the late liver failure accompanied by conscious changes in the disease. A change in consciousness changes in personality, intellectual damage, decreased consciousness to coma. These changes are often first discovered by the family and the doctor has not yet noticed. HE outbreaks of acute outbreak of liver failure, often delirium and convulsions, with the onset of brain stiffness and cerebral edema. But chronic liver disease with spontaneous or postoperative portal-body shunt, HE often slow onset, neurological signs are light. Common symptoms of HE are changes in consciousness, accompanied by