2003年4月18日的《纽约时报》发表了米奇科·卡库塔尼题为《一个强大的金球性大国及其显而易见的继承者》的书评,对英国历史学家尼尔·弗格森最近出版的《帝国:不列颠世界秩序的兴亡以及全球性大国应汲取的教训》(Empire:The Rise and Demise of the BritishWorld Order and the Lessons for Global Power,ByNiall Ferguson.392 pp.New York:Basic Books.)一书进行了评述,认为该书是在为英帝国进行辩护,并实际上是在怂恿美国充当当今的帝国。其主要内容如下。
On April 18, 2003, The New York Times published a book review by Mickey Catachany entitled “A Great Golden Globe Power and Its Obvious Successors”, a recent comment by British historian Neil Ferguson Empire: The Rise and Demise of the BritishWorld Order and the Lessons for Global Power, ByNiall Ferguson. 39 pp. New York: Basic Books.) The Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British Empire: The Rise and Fall of the World Order in Great Britain. A book was commented that the book is to defend the British Empire, and is actually encouraging the United States to act as today’s empire. The main contents are as follows.