Research on the Approach to Assess Missile Operational Effectiveness Based on OPN

来源 :微计算机信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yujiankaka
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Object Petri Net (OPN) which combines Petri net with object-oriented theory gives an effective method to use the Petri net in the field of M&S of Discrete Event Dynamic System.The concept and mechanism of object is brought in,and the function of ba-sic Petri net is expanded.It is a new idea to apply OPN to missile operational effectiveness assessment system.The expanded func-tion of OPN is helpful for M&S of discrete missile combat system.Since kinds of stochastic factors of the combat are considered in the simulation,the assessment of operational effectiveness has high reliability.The structure and the combat process of ICBM combat system are studied,and then the framework of OPN-based missile operational effectiveness assessment system and its operational mechanism are given. Object Petri Net (OPN) which combines Petri net with object-oriented theory gives an effective method to use the Petri net in the field of M & S of Discrete Event Dynamic System. The concept and mechanism of object is brought in, and the function of ba -sic Petri net is expanded. It is a new idea to apply OPN to missile operational effectiveness assessment system. The expanded func tion of OPN is helpful for M & S of discrete missile combat system. Since kinds of stochastic factors of the combat are considered in the simulation, the assessment of operational effectiveness has high reliability. The structure and the combat process of ICBM combat system are studied, and the framework of OPN-based missile operational effectiveness assessment system and its operational mechanism are given.
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