
来源 :新疆社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanzixu
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20 0 3年 ,新疆经济发展出现 1 998年以来少有的良好运行态势 ,呈现出高开、高走、稳定增长的可喜局面。但是 ,工业占全区GDP的比重偏低、地方工业占全区工业产值的比重偏低、经济增长和就业增长失衡、民营企业发展滞后和民间投资占总投资的比重低、农牧民收入增长慢依然是制约新疆经济发展的深层次原因。由各方面的条件决定 ,2 0 0 4年新疆经济会依然保持强劲的增长势头 In 2030, the economic development in Xinjiang showed a rare good operation trend since 1998, showing a welcome situation of opening higher, opening higher and steady growth. However, the share of industry in the region’s GDP is low, the share of local industry in the industrial output value of the region is low, the imbalance between economic growth and employment growth, the lagging development of private enterprises and the low proportion of private investment in total investment, and the growth of incomes of farmers and herdsmen Slow is still a deep-seated reason that restricts the economic development in Xinjiang. According to various conditions, Xinjiang’s economy will maintain its strong growth momentum in 2004
阐述了加快国家创新体系建设的重要性和迫切性,新时期国家创新体系建设的特点,亟待解决的问题,以及主要目标和任务。 Expounds the importance and urgency of speeding up
患者,男,39岁.先天性右睾丸缺如,发现右下腹部拳头大小肿块半年,伴有隐痛,压痛,肿块逐渐增大,以右侧隐睾收入院.查体:下腹部明显膨隆,于右下腹部可扪及一约20 cm×18 cm肿块,局部无压痛及反跳痛,肿物界线清,表面光滑,尚活动.阴茎发育正常,右侧阴囊未触及睾丸,左睾正常.右侧腹股沟区未触及明显结节及肿物.B超于右下腹部探及一约18 cm×19 cm中低回声包块,内部呈实质性不均细密光点分布,
We present a compact,low-noise,and inexpensive optical phase-lock loop(OPLL) system to synchronize the frequency and the phase between two external cavity diode
贵州绥阳县人武部有这样一对夫妻:丈夫10年前执行军事任务时脚部受伤留下残疾;10年后,妻子左手掌因公致残。这对夫妻结婚20多年,如今仍过着牛郎织女的生活。 In Suiyang Co
首先,利用500m长色散平坦高非线性光纤(dispersion flattened highly nonlinear fiber,DF-HLNF)作为非线性介质,通过四波混频效应实现了1541.8~1559.4 nm的全光波长变换,变换
猛一打眼,很难想象他与垃圾能有什么联系,然而,他确是绿城合肥赫赫有名的“马路主任”。 It is hard to imagine that he has any connection with rubbish. However, he is
世界上有多少个人就有多少颗心。每颗心都有着自己独特的声音,那就是心声。心声是纯真的。郑海明也有这样的心声:“自己富不算富,先富一定要帮后富。” How many people in