目的探讨自然流产病因及FISH技术的临床应用价值。方法对609例自然流产绒毛,应用荧光原位杂交(fluorescence in situ hybridization,FISH)技术,选用13、16、18、21、22和X、Y染色体特异性DNA探针进行检测,同时对这609例绒毛进行常规染色体核型分析。结果 FISH检测结果与染色体核型分析结果一致,609例中,异常267例,异常率为43.84%,其中非整倍体异常243例,占91.01%。结论 1.胚胎染色体数目异常是自然流产的主要原因,FISH技术能快速准确的检测自然流产绒毛染色体的异常。2.绒毛染色体数目异常发生率与孕妇年龄相关,高龄孕妇较非高龄孕妇更易发生。
Objective To investigate the etiology of spontaneous abortion and the clinical value of FISH. Methods Six hundred and ninety nine cases of spontaneous abortion were detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and 13, 16, 18, 21, 22 and X, Y chromosome specific DNA probes were used for detection. Cases of chorionic karyotype analysis of conventional chromosomes. Results The results of FISH were consistent with the results of chromosome karyotype analysis. Out of 609 cases, 267 were abnormal and the abnormality rate was 43.84%, of which 243 cases were aneuploidy (91.01%). Abnormal embryonic chromosome number is the main reason of spontaneous abortion. FISH can detect abnormalities of spontaneous abortion chromosomes rapidly and accurately. 2. The number of chorionic chromosome abnormalities associated with the age of pregnant women, pregnant women more likely to occur than non-pregnant women.