2006年8月19日,1000 kV晋东南—南阳—荆门特高压交流试验示范工程晋东南变电站奠基仪式在山西长治举行。这标志着填补我国百万伏级电压等级空白的特高压交流试验示范工程即将进入实质性建设阶段。特高压电网是1000 kV交流和±800 kV直流电压等级的输电网络,具有远距离、大容量、低损耗输送电力和节约土地资源等特点。1000 kV晋东南—南阳—荆门特高压交流试验示范工程包括3站2线,起于山西省长治市境内的晋东南变电站,经河南省南阳市境内的南阳开关
On August 19, 2006, the groundbreaking ceremony for the Jindongnan Substation in the 1000 kV Jindongnan-Nanyang-Jingmen UHV AC Pilot Project was held in Changzhi, Shanxi Province. This marks the UHV AC pilot demonstration project that will fill the gap of one million volts in China is about to enter the substantive construction phase. The UHV power grid is a transmission network with 1000 kV AC and ± 800 kV DC voltage levels. It has the characteristics of long-distance, large capacity, low-loss power transmission and land resource conservation. 1000 kV Jindongnan - Nanyang - Jingmen UHV AC pilot demonstration project includes 3 stations and 2 lines, starting in the southeast of Shanxi Province, southeast of the substation, through the Nanyang City, Henan Province, Nanyang switch