
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tcwf2009
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缉捕围歼持枪歹徒是一场短兵相接的实际战斗,是敌我双方斗智斗勇的生死较量。既要捕获歹徒,又要注意保护群众。决不能强攻硬拼,搞人海战术,蜂拥而上,造成不应有的人员伤亡。执行缉捕任务的领导必须认真对待,高度重视,在总体战略上要藐视敌人,在具体缉捕的战术上要重视敌人。缉捕前要细微周密的反复研究,不得有半点疏忽,事先要查看地形,画草图,按图分配警力,运筹于帷幄之中,力争每战都不能让敌人打响,应绝对防止枪战。每次缉捕持枪歹徒,领导要亲自带队指挥、做到根据敌情,果断决策,组织严密、统一指挥。每一名参战人员则要做到:有令则行、有禁则止,训练有素、技能高强。只有这样,才能每战都有胜利的把握。因持枪歹徒多系亡命徒,行动诡秘,极易铤而走险。所以缉捕行动应绝对保密,在歹徒毫无觉察之际采取突然袭击的办法缉拿之。若歹徒已惊动,应将其居住地或落脚点包围、封锁,并宣传喊话,发动政治攻势,逼其缴械投降。同时派枪法好的占据有利 The capture and annihilation of gunmen and criminals is a real battle of hand-to-hand combat and a contest of life and death between the two sides in their wits and wars. It is necessary to capture criminals, but also pay attention to protecting the masses. Must not storm hard fight, engage in sea tactics, flocked to, causing unnecessary casualties. The leaders of the task of arresting must take seriously, attach great importance to them, defy the enemy in their overall strategy, and attach importance to the enemy in the tactics of specific seizures. Before going to arrest, we should study carefully and carefully, without any negligence. We must first check the terrain, draw sketches, allocate police forces according to the figures, and strategize. We should strive every fight to prevent the enemy from firing and should absolutely prevent gun battles. Every time a criminal gunman is seized or arrested, the leader must personally lead him to make decisions based on the enemy’s situation and make a firm organization and command. Every warfare officer has to do: there are orders, banned, well-trained, skilled. Only in this way can we have the victory in every war. Due to gun gangsters more desperado, action secretive, easy to take the risk. Therefore, arrests must be kept strictly confidential and taken by surprise attacks on the part of criminals without any awareness. If criminals have been alarmed, they should enclose and block their place of residence or end result, propagandize propaganda and propagate propaganda and political offensive and force them to surrender. At the same time to send a good gun occupy favorable
以一个阴谋对你微笑因一道伤口使我亭亭玉立念头比一生长念头比遗忘快她听见欣喜开成人面桃花她看见夜里的星星比月亮大玫瑰@秋水 Smiled at you with a conspiracy, smiled
一、结核病患病率: (一)工矿团体结核病患病率:每年对一定数量的团体进行普查,积极主动发现新病人。工厂团体患病率由1956年的4.1%,下降到1978年的0.87%。 (二)城市居民结核病
9月22日,武汉市桥梁与钢结构产业两大巨头武船与武钢结成供销战略联盟。根据双方签署的协议,到明年底,武船所需的10余万吨钢材,只要武钢有品种,都由其供货。 September 22,