黄金有价 科技无价——莱州市望儿山金矿科技兴矿纪实

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到1991年底,山东省莱州市望儿山金矿累计亏损146万元,按照设计能力,矿山已到报废年限.然而,时过3年,这座几乎倒闭的老矿山又重新焕发出青春的活力、1992年扭亏为盈,实现利润78万元;1993年实现利润380万元;1994年在消化增支因素120万元的情况下,前10个月实现利润又达151万元.短短3年时间,企业为何发生如此大的变化?矿长原桂书说得好:“黄金有价,科技无价.”莱州市望儿山金矿1975年建矿,是莱州市最早的一家市属黄金矿山企业.建矿时间长,工作条件差,矿山品位低.到1991年,企业开工一天赔本一天,“危及矿山”报告已送交上级主管部门.职工人心涣散,仅有的几名科技人员,也是“身在曹营心在汉”,有的打了请调报告,有的在等待观望,留人难留心呐!1992年3月,在这危难之际,41岁的原桂书奉命上任了.这位当过兵、干过大型矿山副矿长又学过企业管理的新矿长,深知科技兴矿的份量.上任伊始,他态度坚决,对科技人才政治上信任重用,工作上鼎力支持,生活上关怀体贴.随后,矿里出台了一系列招揽科技人才的优惠政策和倾斜措施.这些政策出台后,先后有4名德才兼备的科技人员被提拔担任车间、科室主要领导.在资金困难的情况下,他们咬紧牙关,选送了3名科技人员到沈阳黄金学院进修.栽下“梧桐树”,引来了“金凤凰”,很快,10多名? By the end of 1991, the cumulative loss of the Wangershan Gold Mine in Laizhou City, Shandong Province, was 1.46 million yuan. According to the design capacity, the mine has reached the end of its useful life. However, almost three years later, the almost collapsed old mine rejuvenated its youthful vigor. In 1992, it turned profitable and realized profits of 780,000 yuan. In 1993, it realized a profit of 3.8 million yuan. In 1994, under the condition of 1.2 million yuan of incremental expenditures, the profits in the first 10 months reached 1.51 million yuan. In the past year, why did the company undergo such a big change? The former chief of the mine was very good in saying: “Gold is valuable, and technology is priceless.” The Wangershan Gold Mine in Laizhou was built in 1975 and was the earliest city in Laizhou. Gold mining companies have a long time to build mines, poor working conditions, and low grades of mines. By 1991, the company started to lose one day a day, and the “risk to mine” report had been sent to the higher authorities. Staff were scattered and only a few scientists and technicians were involved. It was also “Staying in the heart of Caoying”, some of them called for a tune-up report, some were waiting for a wait-and-see, and it was difficult to keep people in mind! In March 1992, in the distress, the 41-year-old original Guangxi was ordered to assume office. The new mine chief, who had been a soldier and had worked at a large mine deputy chief and learned corporate management, knew that Xing Tao’s weight. At the beginning of his appointment, he was resolute in his attitude, and he relied on the trust of scientific and technological talents in politics, supported his work, and cared for his life. Subsequently, a series of preferential policies and tilt measures were introduced in the mines to recruit talents for science and technology. After the introduction, four scientific and technological personnel with both ability and integrity were promoted as the main leaders of the workshop and the department. In the case of financial difficulties, they clenched their teeth and sent three scientific and technical personnel to Shenyang Golden College for further study. “Tree” attracted “Golden Phoenix”. Soon, more than 10?
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摊开画纸,不想那些光芒。  轻微的几笔颜料,不攻自破,就有鸟声从光的深处透来温暖。  瞬时,虫声沾满的露水,像一地脱缰的马,合围了整个天空。  提得满满的心,像那些颤抖的光,从鸟的脊背,割开深和浅,于万千事物张开的手上,点缀了浓和淡。  我在源头,擎着涂抹天地的笔,不知道从哪里开口,才会由浅入深,由表及里。