如今,市场上销售的日用玻璃制品出现轻薄化、透明化、艺术化等新特点。 产品结构轻薄化。以往的日用玻璃制品一般是人工吹制,虽然轻薄,但产量少、价格高。而经过钢化处理的薄形机制玻璃制品,完全可以与人工吹制的产品相媲美,且产量高、价格低。 透明化。目前国际上日用玻璃制品已被水晶玻璃制品所垄断,高白料玻璃制品显示出强大的市场竞争力。 造型设计艺术化。现代家庭讲究情趣,添置高级艺术品已成为时尚。玻璃制品的设计造型适应了这种潮流,
Today, the daily glass products sold on the market have new features such as lightness, transparency, and art. Product structure is light and thin. In the past, the daily-use glass products were generally blown by hand. Although they were light and thin, the production was low and the price was high. The thin-mechanized glass products that have been tempered are completely comparable to those that are blown by hand, and have high yields and low prices. Transparent. At present, the daily use of glass products in the world has been monopolized by crystal glass products, and high white material glass products show strong market competitiveness. Artistic design. The modern family pays attention to the taste, and the purchase of high-quality artworks has become fashionable. The design of glass products adapts to this trend.