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在学校这个环境中,师生关系是对学生影响最大的人际关系,也是主导学生学习成长的主要因素。师生关系直接影响着课堂的人际关系,影响着课堂心理气氛。师生关系民主平等,感情深厚,课堂上情感交流,信息反馈畅通,就能促进良好的课堂心理气氛。体育教学中的师生关系应该是一种平等、合作、互动的关系,只有这样,学生才能感受到运动的乐趣和学习环境的温馨,学习的积极性、主动性和创造性才能充分体现出来。 In this school environment, teacher-student relationship is the most influential relationship among students and also the main factor that dominates the growth of students. The relationship between teachers and students has a direct impact on the interpersonal relationships in the classroom, affecting the psychological atmosphere of the classroom. The relationship between teachers and students of democratic equality, deep feelings, emotional exchanges in the classroom, smooth information feedback, can promote a good psychological atmosphere in the classroom. The relationship between teachers and students in physical education should be an equal, cooperative and interactive relationship. Only in this way will students be able to feel the joy of exercise and the warmth of learning environment, and the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of learning can be fully reflected.
巍巍太行,气势非凡。泽州县南村镇陈庄村,就坐落在太行山南端。这个荒凉贫瘠的村庄,集居着百余户人家,他们世世代代在吝啬的黄土地上抛洒着汗水。  1965年1月的一天,一个男婴出生在陈庄村彭家的小平房里。在长治淮海机械厂工作的父亲彭振华,期望儿子将来能立大志,成大器,因此,给儿子起名为“晋峰”。  学海无涯苦作舟  彭晋峰自幼勤奋好学。小学毕业时,他以优异的成绩升入陈庄村七年制学校的初中班。后来由于奶
目的制备携尿激酶靶向血栓微泡联合低频超声溶解兔股动脉内血栓,通过尿激酶浓度的变化探讨其可能的溶栓机制。方法24只股动脉闭塞性血栓模型兔分为4组,每组6只:①尿激酶静脉注射 (UK) 组;②诊断超声+非靶向微泡+尿激酶静脉注射 (US+M+UK) 组;③血栓靶向微泡携尿激酶(R+UK)组;④诊断超声+血栓靶向微泡携带尿激酶(US+R+UK) 组。诊断超声照射30 min,后监测0 min、10 mi