如果不算两年前证券商为一些大户提供无偿PC,中网信息技术有限公司应该是国内免费PC的始作俑者。免费PC到底是不是真正的“免费”?中网能从中获得什么?5月11日下午,记者与中网信息技术有限公司总经理万平国展开了一次关于免费PC方方面面的对话。记者:让我们开门见山。是什么原因促使你们推出免费PC的计划? 万平国:一个大背景是Internet工业本身的发展有一个内在规律。无论是原先的按小时计费到后来的上网费用包月制的推行,到免费信箱、免费个人主页存放,还是到刚刚开始的免费PC、免费
If not two years ago, the securities firms for some large-scale provision of free PC, Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. should be the initiator of the domestic free PC. Free PC in the end is not really “free”? What can be obtained from the network? May 11 afternoon, the reporter and general manager of China Network Information Technology Co., Ltd. Pingping started a dialogue on all aspects of free PC. Reporter: Let’s see the truth. What prompted you to launch a free PC plan? Wanping country: a backdrop of the development of the Internet industry itself has an inherent law. Whether it is the original charge by the hour to the Internet after the implementation of the monthly fee system, to a free mailbox, free personal home page, or to the beginning of the free PC, free