Male patient, 22 years old, farmer. Due to fever, cough, sputum with a small amount of hemoptysis admitted to hospital for 16 months. The beginning of the yellow sputum, no fatigue, night sweats and breathing difficulties, by intravenous penicillin half a month to reduce the symptoms, multiple thorax and normal. After still cough and cough a small amount of white phlegm, no further systematic treatment. 10 months ago, the above symptoms worsened, then shot chest radiograph showed diffuse lung lesions in the local hospital treatment of pulmonary hemosiderosis, to prednisone 45mg / d, 50 days without improvement. 3 months ago in the local tuberculosis tuberculosis by regular anti-tuberculosis drug treatment for 3 months, still invalid, and the condition worsened. Physical examination: T39.6 ℃, P100 times / min, R22 times / min, Bp16 / 12kPa. Chronic disease. Breath sounds coarse lungs, lungs axillary back can smell a little wet rales, heart rate 100 beats / min, law Qi, no noise. ESR 65mm / h. ASO, RF, ANA are normal. Arterial blood gas analysis showed mild hypoxemia Ig (PaO_29kPa). Sputum cancer cells, sputum acid-fast bacilli are (a), sputum to find hemosiderin macrophages (a). Electrocardiogram shows sinus tachycardia. Chest radiography and lung CT showed diffuse lung lesions.