
来源 :初中生辅导 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snower2010
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莫怀戚先生的《散步》作为人教版七年级上册语文的首篇课文,对于刚进初中校门的学生来说,很有教育意义。文章内容短小精悍,富含深厚的意蕴和哲理,接近同学们的生活,便于同学们学习理解,也是对同学们进行中华传统文化教育的一个典型例子。仔细品读,一定能从中品味起美的存在,本文从以下五个方面进行探究,希望能让同学们更深刻理解文本的意义,传承中华民族尊老爱幼光荣传统,培养同学们尊老爱幼的良好品德。 Mr Moai Qi’s “Walking”, as the first text of the PEP P.7, is very instructive for students who have just entered the junior high school. The content of the article is short and diligent, rich in profound implication and philosophy, is close to the students’ life, is convenient for students to learn and understand, and is also a typical example of carrying on the Chinese traditional culture and education to the students. Reading carefully, we can taste the beauty from the existence of this article from the following five aspects of exploration, hoping to make students a deeper understanding of the meaning of the text, inheritance of the Chinese nation honoring the glorious tradition of love and nurture, nurturing classmates love the young Good character
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文章运用文献资料研究方法,从成就动机、目标设置、比赛动机等方面研究了射箭运动员技术提高阶段的心理指导问题,以期对今后射箭运动员的技术提高有所裨益。 This paper stu