“调查研究”作为党的优良传统是在战争年代形成的 ,在那样一个年代 ,许多信息是由国民党政府所垄断和控制的 ,共产党不调查研究一番就把握不了形势 ,就要犯错误。建国以后这个传统保留了下来 ,但时至今日 ,调查研究越来越走了样 ,成本越来越大 ,效果越来越差。下级对上级说假?
As an excellent tradition of the Party, “investigation and study” was formed during the war years. In such an era, much of the information was monopolized and controlled by the Kuomintang government. If the Communist Party can not grasp the situation without conducting any investigations and studies, it must make mistakes. Since the founding of the PRC, the tradition has been preserved. However, as of today, investigations and studies are getting worse and worse, the cost is getting bigger and bigger, and the effect is getting worse and worse. Subordinates say false?