近年来各地中考试题中常有决策类问题出现 ,对这类问题学生往往感到棘手 .一是因为学生生活阅历有限 ,对问题背景似懂非懂 ;二是这类应用题多是文字叙述冗长 ,加之考试的时间有限 ,气氛紧张 ,学生对读题和理解题意缺乏耐心 ;三是这类题往往新颖 ,学生从未见过 ,更无具体模式可?
In recent years, decision-making problems often appear in local examination questions, and students are often troubled by such questions. First, because students have limited life experience, they are ignorant about the background of the problem. Second, such applications are mostly long textual narrations. The examination time is limited, the atmosphere is tense, and students lack patience for reading questions and comprehension questions. Third, such questions are often novel and students have never seen them before. There is no specific model.