硫酸铜曾作为催吐剂应用于临床,近年来作为农药使用。国内文献仅见误服中毒的病例报道,我院收治1例大剂量口服中毒者,报告如下: 患者,女,22岁,农民。平素体健。因家庭纠纷,口服硫酸铜约400克,服后即感恶心,呕吐,4小时后送来本院急诊室,经洗胃后收入院。次日病人皮肤、巩膜发黄,无尿。体检:T 38℃,P100次/分,R 34次/分,BP 170/100mmHg,神智恍惚,呼吸急促,唇轻度紫绀,皮肤、恐膜明显黄染,心肺听诊无异常,腹部触诊不满意,双膝反射减弱,未引出病理反射。 实验室检查:Hb从12.0g%降到2.0g%,WEC28.380,N 89%,L 11%。尿检查:酱油色,潜血阴性。血液溶血(?),黄疸指数40u,胆红质5 mg%,
Copper sulfate has been used as an emetic agent in clinical practice and has been used as a pesticide in recent years. Domestic literature only see cases of poisoning poisoning cases reported in our hospital admitted to a large dose of oral poisoning, the report is as follows: patients, female, 22 years old, farmer. Usually physical health. Due to family disputes, about 400 grams of oral copper sulfate, after serving a sense of nausea and vomiting, 4 hours after the hospital emergency room, the hospital after gastric lavage. The next day the patient’s skin, sclera yellow, no urine. Physical examination: T 38 ℃, P100 beats / min, R 34 beats / min, BP 170 / 100mmHg, trance, shortness of breath, lip mild cyanosis, skin, Satisfactory, knee reflex decreased, did not lead to pathological reflex. Laboratory tests: Hb decreased from 12.0 g% to 2.0 g%, WEC 28.380, N 89%, L 11%. Urinalysis: soy sauce color, occult blood negative. Hemolysis (?), Jaundice index 40u, bilirubin 5 mg%