孤独症(Autism)又称自闭症,Leo Kanner于1943年首先报道,发病率为2 ̄13/万,男女比例为3 ̄4:1,通常3岁以前起病,以社交障碍、言语和(或)非言语交流障碍、限局性兴趣和行为方式刻板单调为主要临床表现。该病病因不明,但预后严重,多数患儿无语言,终生无自理生活能力,需人护理,智力
Autism, also known as autism, was first reported by Leo Kanner in 1943, with a morbidity of 2-13 million and a 3: 4: 1 ratio between men and women. It usually starts before the age of 3, with social disorders, verbal and / (Or) non-verbal communication barriers, limited sexual interest and behavioral patterns of monotone as the main clinical manifestations. The etiology of the disease is unknown, but the prognosis is severe, most children have no language, life without self-care ability, need care, intelligence