一、引言1.源起:为什么新新闻主义再次成为一个议题在最近的教学和研习中,有一个问题越来越清晰地呈现出来:在新新闻主义这个概念上,早期开创者的实践和今天人们对它的理解,这两者之间似乎是错位的。一方面,相当一部分同学在课堂上都提到了新闻的故事化和娱乐化是新新闻主义的实践,也是帮助理解这个概念的范例;而且作者本人做过的一个小调查显示:2001年到2006年发表的12篇“新新闻主义”论文中,研究“写作技法”、“叙事结构”的占了7篇。另一方面,2005年5月10日,以“新新闻主义开先河者”之名而久享盛誉的汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolfe),作为第35届杰弗逊演讲的发言人,其《人兽》(The Human Beast)演讲的主题与故事化的表现手法或任何一种写作技巧都没有直接关系。
I. Introduction Source: Why neo-journalism once again becomes an issue In recent teaching and learning, one issue has become clearer and clearer: in the notion of neo-journalism, the practice of early pioneers and today’s understanding of it There seems to be a mismatch between the two. On the one hand, quite a few students mentioned in class that the story-telling and entertaining of news are examples of neo-journalistic practices and help to understand the concept. A small survey conducted by the author himself shows that from 2001 to 2006 Published 12 “neo-journalism” thesis, research “writing skills”, “narrative structure” accounted for 7 articles. On the other hand, on May 10, 2005, Tom Wolfe, renowned for his “neo-journalism pioneer,” as spokesman for the 35th Jefferson Speech, The topic of The Human Beast is not directly related to storytelling or any kind of writing skill.