牛顿(Isaac Newton)(公元1642—1727年)今年12月25日是伟大的科学家牛顿诞生342周年纪念日,为了纪念这位对人类科学事业作出杰出贡献的伟人,特将他的生平扼要介绍如下:1642年12月25日牛顿诞生于英国英格兰东海岸中部林肯州格朗达姆镇南13公里的乌尔索浦小村子里.1727年3月20日凌晨于伦敦在睡眠中安静地逝世.牛顿的父亲是一个农民,在牛顿出生前便去世了.牛顿是一个不足月的遗腹子,生
Isaac Newton (AD 1642-1727) is the 342th anniversary of the birth of the great scientist Newton on December 25 of this year. To commemorate this great man who has made outstanding contributions to the cause of human sciences, his life is briefly described as follows: : Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in the village of Ursopo, 13 km south of the town of Grandmother in Lincoln, in the central part of England’s east coast. On the morning of March 20, 1727, he passed away quietly in London. Newton’s father was a farmer who passed away before Newton’s birth. Newton was a dead child of the month, born