Today, we know that for the same aircraft, the size of the lift mainly depends on the flight speed and angle of attack. When the aircraft is flying at a high speed, the wing can generate enough lift to overcome the force of gravity to maintain its flight, even at a small angle of attack. If the aircraft is flying at a low speed, it must work with a larger angle of attack. The wings can generate enough lift. However, there is a limit to simply increasing the lift at low speeds by increasing the angle of attack - as the angle of attack increases to the critical angle of attack, the angle of attack continues to increase and the air flow rises above the trailing edge of the wing Produced separation, wing surface began to appear turbulent flow, lift at this time but reduced. However, during the take-off and landing phases of the aircraft, it is precisely the wing that generates sufficient lift at a relatively small speed. Therefore, it is necessary to install an apparatus for increasing lift on the wing, a need that paves the way for flaps. If you look closely at the flight of birds, you can get interesting inspiration: the wings of birds