课堂上,经常会出现一些突发事件,我们教师在处理这些突发事件时一定要冷静,沉着,要关注学生的心灵,要让他们在学习过程中体会到:愉快、健康。这就需要我们教师必注重学生的情感体验,注重他们的“道德培养”。案例一:记得在教学四年级上册第四单元My home一课时,我要求同位之间互相藏文具,把文具放在不同的位置上,要求他们练习句子:“Where are the pens?Are they under
In the classroom, some emergencies often occur. Our teachers must be calm and calm when dealing with these emergencies. They should pay attention to the students’ minds and let them experience in the learning process: pleasant and healthy. This requires that we teachers must pay attention to the emotional experience of students, pay attention to their ”moral training “. Case 1: I remember in the fourth grade of teaching fourth unit My home class, I asked the same place hidden between the stationery, stationery in different positions, asking them to practice the sentence: ”Where are the pens? Are they under