Effects of motivation on foreign language teaching and learning

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  【Abstract】Motivation is probably the most frequently used catch-all term for explaining the success or failure of virtually complex task. It is easy to figure that success in a task is due simply to the fact that someone is “motivated.” It is easy in second language learning to claim that a learner will be successful with the proper motivation. Such claims are of course not erroneous,for countless studies and experiments in human learning have shown that motivation is a key to learning.
  【key words】motivation,foreign language teaching
  Motivation is commonly thought of as an inner drive,impulse,emotion,or desire that moves one to a particular action. Or,in more technical terms,motivation refers to “the choices people make as to what experiences or goals they will approach or avoid,and the degree of effort they will exert in that respect.” If a student perceives a goal and if the goal is sufficiently attractive,he will be strongly motivated to do whatever is necessary to reach that goal. We can make a useful distinction between short-term goals and long-tern goals. Long-term goals might have something to do with a wish to get a better job at some future date or a desire to communicate with members of a target language community. Short-term goals might include such things as wanting to pass an end-of-semester test or wanting to finish a unit in a book. In general,strongly motivated students with long-term goals are probably easier to teach than those who have no such goals and therefore no real drive.
  1 Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  In educational psychology a distinction is usually made between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation,the former of which is sometimes thought to relate to long-term success and the latter more to short-term success. Intrinsic motivation is usually defined as motivation which is guided by an interest in the task itself in which one is engaged,whereas extrinsic motivation is said to be guided by external stimuli,such as parental approval,offer of a reward,threat of punishment,a good grade,etc. Doctor Wen qiu-fang calls the former deep motivation and the latter surface motivation. In organizational or academic settings,it is probably advantageous to be able to tap both kinds of motivation(Madeline E. Ehrman 1996). The main reason for students with intrinsic motivation to learn is to enhance their ability and get respect from others,thus improving their social position. So intrinsic motivation is very powerful and is likely to lead to deep learning since an intrinsically motivated learner will take every opportunity to satisfy the motivation- driven needs to expand and deepen knowledge. On the other hand,an exclusively intrinsically motivated learner may not pay sufficient attention to the program or organizational requirement to pass necessary hurdles or to take full advantage of the resources of the teaching program. But one might realize that intrinsic motivation is the psychological foundation from which students can get enthusiasm to learn.   2 Instrumental motivation and integrative motivation
  Of particular relevance to the study of second language learning is the distinction between instrumental and integrative motivation,which was first suggested by Gardner and Lambert(1959 .In fact,when Gardner first put forward these terms,he made a major distinction between “motivation” and “orientation” Orientations refer to reasons for studying a second language,which is only one of the components of motivation. But quite a lot of researchers have neglected their differences and equated motivation to orientation. An instrumental orientation refers to an orientation to acquire a language as a means for attaining instrumental goals:furthering a career,reading technical material,translation and so forth,which emphasize the practical value and advantages of learning a new language. While an integrative orientation is employed when learners wish to integrate themselves within the culture of the second language group,to identify themselves with and become a part of that society. Gardner and MacIntyre(1991)have pointed out that it is not so much the orientation that promotes achievement but rather the motivation. If an integrative or instrumental orientation is not linked with heightened motivation to learn the second language,it is difficult to see how either could promote proficiency.
  In the Chinese learning context,most students learn English for instrumental reasons alone,and their ultimate purpose is to get Band 4 or Band 6 certificate and to find a good job after graduation. Of course,there are some students who have real interests in the English language and the culture itself and who might have a chance to study and live abroad. The ultimate purpose of these students is to acquire communicative competence and to integrate with the target language community.
  As a result,the learner is less likely to expand effort to achieve cumulative progress. Some researchers even went so far as to claim that integrative motivation was absolutely essential for successful second language learning. But Yasmeen Lukmani(1972)demonstrated that instrumental motivation can also be effective and that students with higher instrumental motivation scored higher in tests of English proficiency. Brajkachru(1977,1992)has also noted that in third world countries where English has become an international language,English can be acquired very successfully for instrumental reasons alone. Even Gardner himself has recently found that certain contexts point toward instrumental orientation as an effective motive for language success(Gardner and MacIntyre 1991),and others favor integrative motivation(Gardner Day and MacIntyre 1992). A.M. Seuren(1984)posits that relative importance of integrative motivation or instrumental motivation depends to a larger extent on the context in which the language is learned. It is now suggested that an integrative orientation may not inevitably lead to superior achievement in foreign language learning,if the cultural context is one in which the acquisition of the foreign language has obvious practical value(Burstall 1979).
  [1]Bilaystflk,Ellen. 1978. A theoretical model of second language learning. Vol 28,Nol,69-83
  [2]Brown,H. 1994. Principles of Language Learning Teaching.(3rd ed). Englewood Cliffs,NJ:Prentice-Hall Regents
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摘 要:在信息化高速发展的今天,学生已经越来越不满足于一本书(课本)、一堂课(课堂教学)所获得的知识,所以如何打造小学语文的有效课堂,成为众多小学语文教师认真思考的课题之一。课内外阅读的有效衔接能够打造小学语文的高效课堂,让学生从大量的课外阅读和语言实践中丰富词汇,提高语感,提升文化素养。  关键词:课内外阅读;有效衔接;小学语文;高效课堂  小学阶段是学生学习各种事物的启蒙时期,对于学生今后的发
摘 要:问题的设计和解决不仅仅是为了增进知识,更重要的是为了培养学生的思维能力和创新能力,让《历史与社会》知识与技能、方法与过程以及价值观在解决问题的过程中形成和发展起来。在问题设计应凸现学生的主体地位,在教学过程中创设一种类似《历史与社会》研究的情景和途径,让学生面临问题,通过主动的探索、发现和体验,学会对大量信息的收集、分析和判断,从而增进思维能力和创造能力。本文主要从问题设计的创设活动情境,
摘 要:高考是我国家制定的最全面,最公平的考试之一。高考需要考察的不仅仅是学生解题的能力,同时还需要考察学生对于知识的掌握程度。在高考中,地理考试对于区域认知能力的要求十分高,地理中对于读图认图等知识能力的要求也非常高。所以通过探究高考地理热点问题区域认知能力的体现,可以有效找到高考对于学生学习运用能力考察的主要方式,也可以找到今后对于地理需认知能力的教学的有效方法。  关键词:热点问题;高考地理
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摘 要:个性化学习是当今世界教育发展的趋势,也是当前教育改革的难题。文中在分析个性化学习研究的现状与问题的基础上,提出了一种大数据环境下的高职学生个性化学习模式,并在课程教学中进行了实践。实践结果表明该学习模式满足了学生的个性化学习需求,激发了学习的兴趣,提高了学生的自主学习和合作探究能力,促进了学生的成长成才。  关键词:大数据;高中个性化;学习模式  计算机发明之后,人类社会开始进入信息时代。
摘 要:教师在数学教学中要组织好每一堂课,激活每一堂课,激活学生对数学的好奇心与求知欲,在学习过程中获得成功的体验,锻炼学生克服困难的意志,建立自信心,实现新课程理念的要求。  关键词:精心设计;激活课堂;思维的连续性;开放课堂  亚里士多德说过:“思维从对问题的惊讶开始。”这就意味着在课堂教学过程中,要摒弃以教师为中心的被动学习的学习方式,同时应该建立全新的以“学”为中心的自主、合作、验收的“多
摘 要:本文从一件检索案例出发,通过比较常规检索和充分了解现有技术后的检索分析了充分了解现有技术对检索的重要性。  关键词:检索;现有技术;常规检索  引言  作为审查员来说,应当从现有技术出发和从本领域技术人员的角度进行专利审查,充分了解现有技术即了解专利申请中所谓的背景技术,该背景技术不仅包括专利申请中提到的现有技术,还包括其他未被记载在申请文件中跟申请文件密切相关的现有技术,并且应当熟悉本申