I. Overview Since Moiré fringe technology has been widely used in various technical fields such as measurement, measurement, automatic control and so on, the demand for metrological grating has been increasing day by day, and the requirements for accuracy have also been constantly increasing. So people to improve the production of grating precision and efficiency, conducted a variety of experimental studies, so that the metering grating manufacturing technology has been rapid development. In the early 1950s, the United Kingdom made long gratings generally use the Metton method, the system is made of blazed grating, resulting in strong optical signals, good signal quality, easy to electronic processing. By the mid-1960s, black-and-white gratings could be substituted for blazed gratings due to the improved quality of the photosensitive elements and the electronic interpolation technique, which led to the increased use of optical pregrancing methods in many countries to produce photographic gratings, greatly improving production efficiency and improving accuracy . At present, due to grating manufacturing technology and testing methods have