1987年,徐淑全从部队转业到郓城县汉石桥乡武装部,担任部长职务。从那时起,他本人连年被县人武部评为先进专武干部,1995年被荷泽地区行署、军分区授予“爱岗敬业”先进专武干部标兵称号,汉石桥乡武装部连续五年民兵训练都取得全县第一名的好成绩。 这些荣誉的取得来之不易。熟悉徐淑全的人都知道,徐淑全上有年迈的老人,下有瘫痪的女儿,家属
In 1987, Xu Shuquan was transferred from the army to the Armed Forces of Han Shiqiao Township in Tancheng County, where he held the post of minister. Since then, he was appraised as the advanced special forces cadre by the County People’s Armed Forces for successive years. In 1995, he was awarded the title of “advanced cadres and cadres advanced in love and dedication” by the administrative department and military sub-district of Heze Prefecture. In the fifth consecutive year, Year militia training have achieved first place in the county good grades. These honors are hard won. People familiar with Xu Shuquan know that Xu Shuquan has aged elderly people, paralyzed daughters and relatives