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农业生产所需的排灌、脱粒、加工等小型动力用电(以下简称农业用电),在皖西南的丘陵、畈区使用较为普遍,由于“水源及田地位置分散,点多面广”等客观、主观原因,长期以来管理难以到位。乡(镇)站改为供电所后,“四到户”要求服务延伸到户。这种管理关系的变化,使过去未显现的问题都凸现出来,尤其是农业用电计量收费和安全用电的问题,在一定程度和范围对电力企业产生了负面影响。 Small power (such as agricultural electricity) needed for irrigation and drainage, threshing and processing for agricultural production is commonly used in hilly and hilly areas in southwestern Anhui Province. Due to the objective of “scattered water sources and fields and wide spots” Subjective reasons, long-standing management difficult to put in place. After the township (town) station is changed to the power supply station, the “four-user” service is extended to households. This change in management relationship has made the problems that have not appeared in the past have been highlighted. In particular, the problem of electricity metering and safe use of agricultural electricity has exerted a negative impact on power enterprises to a certain extent and scope.
一、 “英特尔”的发展之路    1968年7月,“英特尔”公司由一位名叫鲍勃·诺伊斯(集成电路技术的发明者)创立。这家当时的小公司,谁又能料到日后它会是中央处理器的龙头老大呢?蓝色巨人IBM、戴尔、苹果等一些品牌电脑巨头都使用“英特尔”生产的CPU(中央处理器)。Intel inside(内置“英特尔”芯片)现已成为电脑品性的一种标准,而“英特尔”也成为业界标准的制定者。  但是,“英特尔”最开