The characteristics and sources of natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the C

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:join20102010
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The Central Gas Field is a famous large-sized gas field in the Ordos Basin of China. However, identification of main gas sources of the Ordovician reservoirs in this gas field remains puzzling. On the basis of a lot of geochemical data and geological research on natural gases, the characteristics and sources of natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin were studied. The results indicated that natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin have similar chemical and isotopic compositions to highly mature and over-mature dry gases. Both coal-derived gases and oil-type gases coexist in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin. The former was derived mainly from Carboniferous-Permian coal measures and the latter from Lower Paleozoic marine carbonates. It is suggested that coal-derived gases occur in the eastern part of the Central Gas Field while oil-type gases may be produced mainly in the northern, western and southern parts of the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin. The Central Gas Field is a famous large-sized gas field in the Ordos Basin of China. However, identification of main gas sources of the Ordovician reservoirs in this gas field remains puzzling. On the basis of a lot of geochemical data and geological research on natural gases, the characteristics and sources of natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin were studied. The results indicated that natural gases from Ordovician weathered crust reservoirs in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin have similar chemical and isotopic compositions to highly mature and over-mature dry gases. Both coal-derived gases and oil-type gases coexist in the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin. The former was derived mainly from Carboniferous-Permian coal measures and the latter from Lower Paleozoic marine carbonates. It is suggested that coal-derived gases occur in the eastern part of the Central Gas Field while oil-type gases may be produced ma inly in the northern, western and southern parts of the Central Gas Field in the Ordos Basin.
丹参为唇形科鼠尾草属植物丹参的干燥根和根茎,作为中药应用于治疗在我国历史悠久,本文主要介绍了丹参酮的超声波提取技术,并对其药理做出分析。 Danshen is the dried root
用一个词概括2005年的处方药市场就是:平稳。医药市场上没有惊人的新药上市,也没有惊人的损失发生。最大的新闻莫过于去年处方药总收入达到 32亿美元,比前年增加3%,这虽然不是
婴幼儿猝死综合征(Sudden infant death syndrome,SIDS)是指婴幼儿无明显疾病史而突然死亡,死后尸解找不出明确原因的一组疾病。本文就SIDS近年研究的进展作一简要综述。 S
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