“海上国际足球锦标赛”最近得到国际足联的正式承认.1982年中,有856艘货轮、油轮的球队参加了角逐,他们分别代表了78个国家.大型客轮、火车轮渡的水手经过筛选后组成的94个球队也参加了比赛. 在狂风席卷甲板,海轮漂摇不定的情况下举行高水平的足球赛,难度当然要比陆地上大得多.然而,尽管运动员们被颠得东倒西歪、举脚艰难,仍踢得有声有色. 第一届国际海员足球锦标赛是由挪威政府海员办事处在1950
“Sea International Football Championship” recently received FIFA’s official recognition .1982, there are 856 freighter, tanker team participated in the competition, they represent the 78 countries. Large passenger and train ferry sailors after screening Composed of 94 teams also participated in the competition in the wild wind swept the deck, the occasional wave of high-level football game, the difficulty is certainly much larger than on land.However, despite the athletes were Britain upside down, Legs difficult, still playing very impressive.The first International Seamen Football Championship is the Norwegian government seafarers office in 1950