高抛免振自密实混凝土是具有很高的流动性而不离析、不泌水 ,能不经振捣或少振捣而自动流平并充满模板和包裹钢筋的混凝土。本文通过对外加剂、胶凝材料和粗细骨料的优选 ,配合比的优化 ,经大量的试验研究 ,成功地使混凝土拌合物屈服剪应力减少到适宜范围 ,同时具有足够的塑性粘度 ,使骨料悬于水泥浆中 ,不出现离析和泌水 ,能自流密实 ,充分填充构件内的空间 ,并形成密实且均匀的C60高抛免振自密实高性能混凝土 ,并在直径Φ80 0mm和Φ1 70 0mm钢管柱中进行高抛试验 ,结果证明作者研发的高抛免振自密实混凝土是切实可行的
High dumping vibration self-compacting concrete is a very high mobility without segregation, no bleeding, can vibrate or vibrate automatically and filled with template and wrapped steel concrete. In this paper, the optimization of admixture, cementitious materials and coarse and fine aggregate, the optimization of the mix ratio, through a large number of experimental studies, the yield shear stress of the concrete mixture is successfully reduced to the appropriate range, while having sufficient plastic viscosity Aggregate hanging in the slurry, do not appear segregation and bleeding, self-flowing dense, fully filled the space within the component, and the formation of dense and uniform C60 high throw vibration-free self-compacting high performance concrete, and diameter Φ80 0mm and Φ1 70 0mm steel column for high throwing test, the results show that the author developed high dumping vibration self-compacting concrete is feasible