
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sevinlee
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中国人民解放军干部工作发展史,是我军军事历史的重要内容,也是我军政治工作发展史的分支之一。研究我军干部工作发展史,是军事史研究题中应有之义,对于了解我军发展史和政治工作发展史,加深理解新时期我军干部工作方针、路线、政策有着极其重要 The development history of the work of the cadres of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army is an important part of our army’s military history and one of the branches of our military’s political work history. Studying the history of the development of the work of our military cadres is the proper meaning in the study of military history. It is extremely important for us to understand the development history of our military and the history of political work, and to deepen our understanding of our army’s work guidelines, lines and policies in the new period
按惯例,节日放假的前一天不必上晚自习,于是这个时间,背着书包的学生充塞于大街小巷,令车流都显得滞涩了。 我隔着不甚清晰的车窗,看着窗外拥挤繁忙的世界。  公交车经过城市里一条偏僻而隐匿的街道,路过一道夹在一排矮屋间的铁门,门内是略宽且平坦的石灰色路面,与常见的住宅区很不一样。 我不禁看了看它的标牌,那是几个由五颜六色的LED灯组成的字——老年公寓。 马上要回家的欢喜心情忽然就低落下来,只因为偶然闯