来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:koel
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The torsional vibration of a rigid plate resting on saturated stratum overlaying bedrock has been analysed for the first time. The dynamic governing differential equations for saturated poroelastic medium are solved by employing the technology of Hankel transform. By taking into account the boundary conditions, the dual integral equations of torsional vibration of a rigid circular plate are established, which are further converted into a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. Subsequently, the dynamic compliance coefficients of the foundation on saturated stratum, the contact shear stress under the foundation and the angular amplitude of the foundation are evaluated. Numerical results indicate that, when the dimensionless height is bigger than 5, saturated stratum overlaying bedrock can be treated as saturated half space approximately. When the dimensionless frequency is low, the permeability of the soil must be taken into account. Furthermore, when the vibration frequency is a constant, the height of the saturated stratum has a slight effect on the dimensionless contact shear stress under the foundation. The torsional vibration of a rigid plate resting on saturated stratum overlaying bedrock has been analyzed for the first time. The dynamic governing differential equations for saturated poroelastic medium are solved by employing the technology of Hankel transform. By taking into account the boundary conditions, the dual integral equations of torsional vibration of a rigid circular plate are established, which are further converted into a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. the dynamic compliance coefficients of the foundation on saturated stratum, the contact shear stress under the foundation and the angular amplitude of the foundation are evaluated. Numerical results indicate that, when the dimensionless height is bigger than 5, saturated stratum overlaying bedrock can be treated as saturated half space approximately. When the dimensionless frequency is low, the permeability of the soil must be taken into account. Furthermore, when the vibration frequency is a constant, the height of the saturated stratum has a slight effect on the dimensionless contact shear stress under the foundation.
小学语文教学把语言文字训练作为主要教学目标。复习期间也要抓住这个重点不放,要根据学生的实际和课文特点,在平时训练的基础上进行综合性训练。 一、指导学生灵活运用所学
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中国诗词大会第二季完美收官,作为节目主持人的董卿,不是用她美丽的高颜值博得掌声的,而是用她那厚积薄发的文化底蕴,让所有的观众和选手折服。她站在舞台上,没有事先排练的台词,用自己满腹经纶坦然应对,引经据典信手捏来,把最恰当的文学语录送给每个参赛选手。    董卿在家是独生女,父母教育很严厉,没有一点掌上明珠的待遇。刚刚识字时,父亲就命她每天抄写背诵古诗词,节假日也不许偷懒。看到小朋友们在外面玩耍,董
小时候,一到春天,小伙伴们就早早地约好去放风筝。那时候,谁要有个风筝,可是让大伙淌口水的事。  印象中我从来没有属于自己的风筝,父母每天忙于生计,哪里有时间为我置办一只风筝,再说也没有多余的钱来买扎风筝的材料。  每到放风筝的季节,邻居小胖就成了我们争着追捧的对象。小胖家的经济状况比我们优越多了,每年春天,小胖会牵着风筝,从每个小伙伴家门口骄傲地走过。  一个人放风筝终是无趣,小胖去野外放风筝时总
社会课是一门新型学科,不仅具有丰富的知识性,而且具有较强的思想教育性。在教学中教师必须根据儿童认知的规律和特点,深挖教材的内涵,采用生动活泼的教学方式, Social cla