笔者自1993年1月~1999年8月采用福尔马林溶液治疗跖疣37例,取得满意效果,现报告如下。 一般资料 本组中男性17例,女性20例;年龄9~41岁,平均31.5岁:病程10~3年。 治疗方法 将折成6层的纱布放入5%福尔马林溶液中浸湿后置于跖疣处作局部湿
The author from January 1993 ~ August 1999 formalin solution in the treatment of plantar warts 37 cases, and achieved satisfactory results, are as follows. General information The group of 17 males and 20 females; aged 9 to 41 years, mean 31.5 years: duration of 10 to 3 years. Treatment will be folded into 6 layers of gauze into 5% formalin solution soaked in plantar warts at the local wet