日本的鲍鱼年产量可达5,000~6,000吨(鲜重),主要有4个经济品种,即大鲍(H-aliotis gigantea)、盘鲍(H.discus)、皱纹盘鲍(H.discus hannai)和西氏鲍(H.seiboldii),其中皱纹盘鲍约占总渔获量的60%。鲍鱼的生长缓慢,仅靠天然采捕远不能满足市场需求,加之以近年来捕捞过度,致使天然资源有日趋减少之势。在日本除行政管理部门采取了繁殖保护措施外,对鲍鱼人工繁殖的科学研究也做了大量工作,从亲鲍的蓄养催青、人工诱导产卵、卵的人工授精、幼虫孵
Abalone production in Japan is as high as 5,000 to 6,000 tons (fresh weight) each year. There are four major economic species, namely, H-aliotis gigantea, H.discus, H.discus hannai, And H. seiboldii, of which Haliotis discus hannai accounted for about 60% of the total catch. The slow growth of abalone, far from natural harvesting to meet the market demand, coupled with over-fishing in recent years, resulting in a declining trend of natural resources. In addition to the administrative measures taken by Japan to take protective measures for reproduction, abalone artificial breeding of scientific research has also done a lot of work, from pro-Abalone breeding, artificial induced spawning, egg artificial insemination, larval hatch