
来源 :中国工业医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:birdlay
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肾脏是镉在人体的主要靶器官之一。本文就慢性镉中毒的几种肾脏检测指标测定结果进行了初步报告。1临床资料3例患者均为某塑料厂配料工段的研磨工。操作过程是将硬脂酸、镉等原料按比例装入研磨机的罐中研磨,每天工作8小时。【例1】男,25岁,工龄8年,恶心、全身... Kidneys are one of the main target organs of cadmium in the body. In this paper, chronic cadmium poisoning several kidney test results were initially reported. 1 clinical data 3 patients are a plastic factory ingredients section of the grinding workers. The operation process is stearic acid, cadmium and other raw materials in proportion to the grinder jar grinding, working 8 hours a day. [Example 1] Male, 25 years old, 8 years of service, nausea, whole body ...
群聚或组群式 把同样的花材聚集在一起插作的一种方法。将众多同样的花材聚集在一起,形成一个大色块,可以清楚地看出作品的特性是组群。群聚根据花材聚集的方法可分为块状团