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新自由主义影响着印度经济的各个不同领域。它常见于各种各样的政府策略和举措中。例如,中央计划增加对社会福利事业的开支,而计划外开支却在很大程度上抵消了计划内开支的增加。就计划内的开支和计划外的开支总和而言,名义上2010~2011年也就比2009~2010年增长了12.5%,况且在现实中,这个数字无足轻重。新自由主义也会在世界经济社会中引发一些负面趋势。例如,以农业为主导的国家多以牺牲第一产业为代价集中精力于第二、第三产业的发展,再加上国际金融机构所设定的条条框框,使得第一产业的处境岌岌可危。另外,在某些发展中国家,中央政府在自由经济政策有效实施方面的疏忽曾使得金融危机应运而生。新自由主义给针对特定公司和个人的许可证颁发程序引入了大规模的政治干预。根据自由经济策略,只有趋向亏损的公共部门单位需要被减资。然而,政府干预却会因为牟取私利,导致对可盈利公共部门单位的投资也缩减。而且,因为政治腐败和任人唯亲之风猖獗,印度的贫富差距问题也日益尖锐。在这样的背景下,本文将对新自由主义给印度人民社会经济和政治生活的方方面面所带来的影响作出批判性的分析。 Neoliberalism affects various areas of the Indian economy. It is common in a wide range of government strategies and initiatives. For example, the Central Government plans to increase spending on social welfare services, while the unplanned expenditure has largely offset the increase in planned expenditure. In terms of the sum of planned expenses and unplanned expenses, the nominal increase of 12.5% ​​in 2010-2011 will be more than that of 2009-2010. And in reality, this figure is insignificant. Neo-liberalism will also lead to some negative trends in the world economy and society. For example, the predominant state of agriculture focused more on the development of the secondary and tertiary industries at the expense of the primary industry, combined with the rules and regulations set by the international financial institutions, putting the primary industry in a precarious condition. In addition, in some developing countries, the failure of the central government to effectively implement free economic policies has led to the emergence of the financial crisis. Neoliberalism has introduced large-scale political intervention in licensing programs that target specific companies and individuals. Under the free-economy strategy, only the public sector units that are losing money tend to be funded. However, government intervention results in a reduction in investment in profitable public-sector units because of private gain. Moreover, the issue of India’s gap between rich and poor has also become increasingly acute because of the rampant political corruption and cronyism. Against this background, this article will critically analyze the impact of neoliberalism on all aspects of the social, economic and political life of Indian people.
目的:研究胃粘膜损伤程度与胃癌发生的关系,为诊治和预防胃癌发生提供依据.方法:将300只 Wistar 大鼠分组,分别给予四种日常生活中经常遇到的胃粘膜损伤因素,判定其损伤指数,