原高教部副部长刘子载,是湖南新宁县人。他的独生女名叫刘七七。 1956年,初中毕业的刘七七考上了北京航空学校。这是一所中等专业学校。在当时,中专没有高中香,高中毕业可以升大学。高教部副部长的独生女只上中专,使一些热心的同志过意不去,忙给学校打招呼,几所重点高中都满口答应下来。刘子载知道此事后,谢绝了同志们的好意,对女儿说:“你
Liu Zai-zai, former vice minister of higher education, is a native of Xinning County, Hunan Province. His only child is Liu Qiqi. In 1956, Liu Qiqi, a middle school graduate, was admitted to Beijing Aviation School. This is a secondary vocational school. At the time, the secondary school without high school incense, high school graduation can go to college. The only daughter-in-law of the Ministry of Higher Education, who only has a secondary school, has obsessed the enthusiastic comrades and greets the school. Several key high schools have promised them. After Liu Zizhu knew this, he declined the goodwill of his comrades and said to his daughter, "You