患者,男,35岁,因院外诊断肾综合征出血热,经扩容抗感染治疗,双前臂出现自发性出血,肾功能明显异常,12h尿量不足100ml,于2005年10月29日入院。体检:T 36.7℃,P 72次/min,R 18次/min,BP 100/60 mmHg。急性病容,神志清,精神差,平卧体位。面部充血,全身皮肤黏膜无黄染,双上肢广泛皮下瘀斑,范围自肢端至肘部,并散在张力性水疱,约4×10mm大小,浅表淋巴结未触及,眼耳鼻口咽正常,心音有力,律齐,各瓣膜区听诊未闻及病理性杂音。
Patients, male, 35 years old, due to out-of-hospital diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, the expansion of anti-infection treatment, spontaneous bleeding in both forearms, abnormal renal function, 12h urine output less than 100ml, on October 29, 2005 admission. Physical examination: T 36.7 ° C, P 72 breaths / min, R 18 breaths / min, BP 100/60 mmHg. Acute illness, conscious, poor spirit, supine position. Facial congestion, systemic skin and mucous membrane without yellow dye, double extensive upper extremity ecchymosis, ranging from the limb to the elbow, and scattered in tension blisters, about 4 × 10mm size, superficial lymph nodes not touched, eyes and ears nasopharyngeal normal, heart sound Powerful, law Qi, the valve area auscultation and pathological murmurs.