不少家长朋友跟我诉苦:快上中学了,孩子跟电视还是那么亲,真让人发愁。您说怎么办才好? 这真是一言难尽。在我国第七届青少年发明创造活动大会上,四川省长寿县天台乡中心校六年级张鹏程同学发明的“偏码杆秤”,荣获全国青少年发明创造一等奖。他的这一发明,是在看到电视里揭露一些个体商贩经常用换砣的办法坑害顾客的事而引发的。这发明可以说应归功于看电视。
Quite a lot of parents complain about my friends: fast high school, children or television so pro, really let people worry. How do you say it? This is a tough thing. At the Seventh Youth Invention and Innovation Conference in China, the “Pole-scale” developed by Zhang Pengcheng, a sixth-grade student from Tiantai Township Central School, Changshou County, Sichuan Province, won the first prize of the National Youth Invention and Creation Award. His invention was triggered by the revelation on television of the revelations that individual traders often traded customers with trade-offs. This invention can be attributed to watching television.