目前,国外盒式录音机的种类很多,录音机上的主要按键标记符号也不统一,有的一个按键具有二种性能,有的机器录音时必须按二个按键才能录音。因此,使用录音机时必须首先了解各种按键的标记符号和功能,切不可乱按,以免把录音机损坏。下面介绍几种国外盒式录音机常用的按键符号。日本三洋M-2420型除了上述几种常见的按键标记符号外,现在有些盒武录音机又增加了一些特别功能键,如差拍消除开关(Beat Cut Switch),杜比开关(Dolby Switch),磁带选择开关(Tape Selector),编辑开关(Edit Switch),变速开关(Speed Switch),睡眠开关(Sleep Switch)等,在此不作介绍了。
At present, there are many kinds of foreign cassette recorders. The main key mark symbols on the recorder are also not uniform. Some of them have two kinds of performance, and some machines must press two keys to record when they are recording. Therefore, the use of voice recorder must first understand the symbols and functions of the various buttons, must not be pressed, so as not to damage the recorder. The following describes several commonly used foreign cassette tape recorder symbols. Japan’s Sanyo M-2420-type In addition to the above several common key symbol, some box recorder also added some special function keys, such as the beat elimination switch (Beat Cut Switch), Dolby Switch (Dolby Switch), tape Tape Selector, Edit Switch, Speed Switch, Sleep Switch, etc. are not introduced here.