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自司法部《中国律师业发展政策报告》提出“要把建设先进的律师文化作为推进律师工作发展的重大举措”后,全国律师协会接着发布了《中国律师文化建设纲要》。于是,什么是律师文化在律师界热议起来,律师文化的定义众说纷纭。其实,不要说律师文化是什么难以说清,不好下定论,就是文化是什么也是众说纷纭,观点不一。看看我们身边的些许事,文化与律师文化的结论也许就不言自明。同样的事,发生在不同的地方,结果却大相径庭。几个朋友到餐馆吃饭,买单时,争着抢着买单的,大都是北方人,静观不动的则是南方人。北方人的特点是,说好了是甲请客,到买单时却仍然要客气一番;南方人则不同, Since the “Lawyer’s Development Report on China’s Lawyer’s Law” of the Ministry of Justice has put forward the principle of “building an advanced lawyer culture as a major measure for promoting the development of lawyers”, the National Association of Bar Association subsequently released the “Outline of China’s Lawyer Culture Construction.” So, what is the lawyer culture hot discussion in the lawyer community, the lawyer’s definition of different opinions. In fact, do not say that what is difficult to say lawyer culture, bad decision, that is, what is the difference between the opinions of different opinions. It may be self-evident that the conclusions of culture and lawyer’s culture may look at the few things around us. The same thing, happening in different places, the results are very different. A few friends to the restaurant to eat, pay, competing for the rush to pay the bill, mostly northerners, still motionless southerners. Northerners are characterized by the fact that the customer is a treat, to pay even when they are still polite; southerners are different,
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说到上海的南汇,很多人的印象不外乎是美丽的“桃花节”和“芦潮港”以及现代化的浦东国际机场。而在记者的脑海里,以农业为主的南汇还与一个远近闻名的“太平村”联在一起,那个由原先三个村合并成立的“太平村”叫金园村,据说从2002年建立起到2007年底,有着1758户农户、4700多常住人口的金园村做到了6年矛盾不出村、6年纠纷不到镇,没有发生一起到镇、区上访事件,更没有一起民转刑案件。    耳闻不如目
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电影《秋菊打官司》的场景,多取自陕西省陇县。为了彻底解决农民打官司难的问题,该县今年开始在全国首推“一村一法官”法务庭建设。6月,该县法院在曹家湾镇8个村进行“法 M
2007年底,海南省委、省政府对全省“法律进乡村”活动的先进集体和先进个人进行了表彰,省高级人民法院、海南中级人民法院、琼中黎族苗 By the end of 2007, Hainan Provinc
2003年以来,湖南省高级人民法院少数干警和主要领导违法违纪问题先后被查处,湖南法院的形象因此受到严重损害。总结教训,其中一个 Since 2003, a few police officers and c