
来源 :江西教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshuishe
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小学阶段的学生刚刚脱离稚气,在创造力方面也许没有中学生那么成熟。学生在创新能力上往往更依靠奇特的想象力创造新的事物,而在美术课堂教学中,保留的就是学生的想象力。这是一个不应该被忽视的优势,教师在教学中应时时注意,课堂教学设计在培养学生创造力方面的内容应该是重点。巧妙安排和细心引导,是美术教师在教学设计和课堂教学中应具备的素质。一、小学美术教学设计中的创造力培养现状美术在艺术类课程中是基础教育的一门重要课程。目 Students in elementary school have just emerged from childlike innocence and may not be as mature as middle school students in terms of creativity. Students tend to rely more on the imagination of creative ability to create new things, but in the art classroom teaching, the students retain the imagination. This is an advantage that should not be neglected. Teachers should pay attention to the teaching all the time. The content of classroom instruction design in cultivating students’ creativity should be the key point. Cleverly arranged and carefully guided, is the art teacher in teaching design and classroom teaching should have the quality. First, the creativity of elementary art teaching design training status Art in the art course is an important course of basic education. Head